#1 What is News?

What is News?


      News is a concept that is different for each individual. First of all, there are many aspects that define the word news. Depending on your political, religious, or personal opinion, you could hear completely different information just from the channel that you choose. Typically the first example that comes into my mind would be cable news. However, if we get away from this type of television news, and pinpoint the main source of information that society obtains today, it would be from social media. Individuals hear, see, and read news from social media all around the world. 

Social media has expanded from just meaningless memes. We can now watch videos on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and many other platforms about important worldly concerns. Another form that we collect news, is from word of mouth. Depending on where you live, you could hear news from your backyard with some family, or in your dorm from a girl living across the hall. 

News is subjective to each individual depending on what news they want to hear- depending on their religious, political, and overall ideals. News is also different in how we take it in. 

    Like I previously mentioned, we can take in this information either through actual news presentations such as Fox, or CNN, or we can take it in through social media, or last, but not least, we can receive this information through word of mouth. 
